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Educational Control products - Control Systems - Interface Software    

    Educational Control products - Control Systems - Interface Software

ECP Executive® Program

The ECP Executive(tm) program is ideal for teaching & research in linear control systems & related principals without emphasis on real-time code generation. It provides you with a large selection of low and high order linear control forms, input trajectories, control input in continuous and discrete time forms, and advanced plotting functions. You can easily input the control gains and trajectory parameters, or import them from other programs such as Matlab®. The ECP Executive(tm) is suitable for SISO and SIMO plant control and is standard on models 205, 210, 220, & 505 when ordered as "Complete Systems".

ECP Executive® USR Program

The ECP Executive® USR program is ideal for study in linear and nonlinear control systems with emphasis on generation of real-time code. It allows you to rapidly write real-time control algorithms of virtually any form imaginable and efficiently implement them at sample rates up to 1.1 KHz. The Executive USR™; provides all the advanced trajectory generation, plotting, and data management functions of the basic Executive® and is suitable for SISO, SIMO, and MIMO control. The ECP Executive USR™; is standard on Model 730 and 750 "Complete Systems" and is optional on models 205, 210, 220, & 505.

Real-time Simulink® Option

In addition to our fully integrated programs above, you may now operate any of our systems in a real-time Simulink® environment. This option utilizes the MathWork's Real-time Windows Target (RTWT) with ECP Extension. This interface runs on the Windows® operating system and delivers hard real-time execution of Simulink® block diagrams on ECP systems without hardware modification. RTWT driven Simulink® control environments is an option for all ECP systems. (When ordered as "Complete Systems", all equipment includes either the Executive® or Executive USR™; programs. RTWT based solutions are provided as system options.)